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Longtitutinal Map of Wheal Magery Mine, drawn in 1865 - sourced from Truro Records Office. 


The left-most shafts are directly under the southern end of Treloyhan Manor's grounds. The subterrananean yellow area  on the map is labelled 'old mine workings', from the early life of Wheal Margery. Counting 5 shafts from the left, the largest engine house atop is The Engine Shaft where The Rockery was built. At the coast with more comprehensive subterranean mine mapping, is the American Shaft - below which the most recent mining activity at Wheal Margery occured. The Mine ceased working in 1869. This is a beautiful map & a fascinationg record of Huel (Wheal) Margery


Evidence of all the shafts still exist, as do the mine spoils - mosses grow here, uniquely, where copper features & is rare - some species being unique to Cornwall because of the mine spoils.

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